Bakersfield Seven Oaks Proposal | Dani + Easton

Weddings, Engagements, + Proposals

There must be something in the valley air because so many engagements have been happening! I love it. Dani and Easton go to my church here in Bakersfield, and after church one Sunday, Easton approached me about photographing his proposal to Dani. There’s nothing quite as sweet as the ear to ear grin of a man about to propose to his love. My heart was melting all week long anticipating this sweet moment.

Easton took Dani straight after church the following Sunday to the Seven Oaks Country Club, where Easton has been a member for years. He and Dani sometimes grab lunch there, so he was hoping to catch her by surprise. As soon as they arrived, Easton took Dani to the front building in front of a long flowerbed. He had let me know earlier that week that she had dreamed of being proposed to among flowers–I know. Ridiculously sweet. Easton dropped to a knee, and Dani smiled so big. She bent down to embrace her new fiancĂ©, and had girlish grins the rest of the afternoon. Seriously the sweetest thing to witness.

We took a few newly engaged photos where they told me how they met through the college group at our church, and they left excited to tell their friends and family the good news (pun intended if you go to “Good News” which is the name of the college group). Easton was so thoughtful, and he really chose the perfect ring for Dani. It fits who she is. They’re such a sweet couple–it was a joy to photograph their special moment.

February 2, 2023

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